Sex and the breastfeeding woman

Having had 5 children myself, the question of when to resume sexual intimacy can definitely be on the forefront of your spouse’s or partners mind. But maybe not your own!

The last installment from ‘5 Ways Your Breasts Change After Pregnancy,’ by Nancy Phillips in ‘Today’s Parent,’ discusses sex whilst breastfeeding.

These are some very helpful tips if you are a breastfeeding mom, having all the questions about resuming intimacy.

Breastfeeding is a powerful hormonal process that affects more than just your breasts. Although most parents find that their sex lives change after the birth of a baby, breastfeeding mothers may notice some specific changes. Heather Kritzinger, a La Leche League Leader in Etobicoke, Ontario, says that breastfeeding women may experience some or all of the following:

• No periods. You may not have a period for several months after the birth if you're breastfeeding exclusively and frequently. • Breastfeeding offers some protection against pregnancy but it's not foolproof. You may ovulate before your first period after the birth. If you don't want to get pregnant again, talk to your doctor about birth control.

• Go Gently. Reduced libido, vaginal dryness, and a longer arousal time are common among breastfeeding women, especially at first. Sound exciting? A lubricating gel - and a little patience - can help.

• Ouch. Breastfeeding nipples can be tender and sore at first, or they may be less sensitive than usual.

• Flood Warning. Let-downs and/or milk ejection can occur during sex and at orgasm, especially in the early weeks. Feeding the baby or expressing some milk before making love may prevent this.

• Keep talking. Remember that although any changes to how you respond sexually will be obvious to you, they won't be to your partner. Let him know what feels good—and what doesn't—and be prepared to experiment. It may be a truism, but good communication really is the key to rediscovering a satisfying sex life.


The First Week of Breastfeeding


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